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Full time/ Part time availability

Early Arrival Program begins at 7:30A.M.

Arrival for all students is from 8:00A.M. to 8:30A.M.

After School Programs 3:00 until 5:30P.M.


Students Building Windmill

The Montessori elementary environment offers an exciting research style of learning. Elementary children work in small groups on a variety of projects which spark the imagination and engage the intellect. The appetite of children at this age to understand the universe and their place in it, directs the elementary work toward all aspects of culture. Elementary studies include geography, biology, history, language arts, mathematics in all its branches, science, music, and art. Exploration of each area is encouraged through trips outside the classroom to community resources. This inclusive approach to education fosters a feeling of connectedness to all humanity and encourages the natural desire to make contributions to the world. The elementary program provides both lower (1st through 3rd) and upper (4th through 6th) elementary curriculum. At this level, the distinction between the two levels is less about the materials and more about the changing expectations, responsibilities and experiences, and a deepening of understanding as the student matures.



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